It snowed on Thursday. Everyone here is pretty upset with Mother
Nature. This winter has been unusually long and cold. Sister Lee and I
keep hoping we can put our boots and tights away, but that hasn't
happened yet. Someone even joked with us this last week that the week or
so we've had of sunshine was our summer and we're back to winter
already. Time may go pretty fast, but I'm glad it doesn't go that fast!
Wednesday evening was a night of miracles. Sister Redden, a member
in the ward, spent the evening with us. She fed us dinner (a pizza
topped with Canadian bacon that she said we wouldn't need our passports
to eat...too funny!). She introduced us to a less active woman in her
neighborhood and then drove us to another less active member's home in
Kentville. While we were driving there, I had an overwhelming feeling of
peace from the Spirit that we were doing what the Lord wanted us to do.
We arrived at the home and knocked on the door. The less active member
wasn't home, but her boyfriend was. He answered the door and we ended up
teaching him a lesson. Sister Redden bore powerful testimony to him
about trusting the Lord. Afterwards, the three of us went to a lesson
with Sister Lowthers, one of our investigators whose daughter is a YW in
the ward. Sister Lee and I needed Sister Redden that night. As we were
driving back to Wolfville that night, we couldn't help but feel so
grateful for Sister Redden and her willingness to be our "third
companion" that evening. She is an amazing woman, and it is such a
privilege to serve with her!
My testimony of the Book of Mormon has really been strengthened
over the past six weeks. Sister Lee and I set a goal to read it by
Easter, but unfortunately neither of us made it farther than Alma by
that day. We're still reading every day, and it is amazing how much I
learn each time I spend reading the Book of Mormon. I know that it is
the word of God, that it testifies of Jesus Christ, and that it has the
power to soften our hearts.
Scripture of the week: Alma 34:31
"Yea, I would that ye
would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for behold, now
is the time and day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent
and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you."
How quickly can the Savior come to our aid? As quickly as we repent
and harden not our hearts. Our part usually takes the longest, but once
we do it, the Savior's Atonement can heal us and change us immediately!
Have a great week!
Sister Renda
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